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Welcome to the Private 'CHAKRA-N-CHI' Community Group!

You can connect with other members, get updates and share videos HERE!

This is a "follow up" community space for those that attended our 9-month 'Chakra-N-Chi' Community Healing Workshop Series.

Chakra-N-Chi is a safe space to tap into color therapy and chakra healing with like-minded individuals. Here, you can talk with each other about what you learned in a class, learn from each other, share healing techniques you yourself know, encourage each other & more! This group was created so that class attendees from each separate month have a commonplace to meet and continue to do life with each other outside of the workshop series!

If you did not partake in the classes yourself but would still like to be a part of this community, you are welcomed to sign-up to join. All information, knowledge, and healing techniques and benefits from the workshops will be shared and officially documented here in the group 'Discussion' Page.


> Members that paid for & took the workshop class themselves DO NOT have to pay any Group Membership Fee to be a part of this Community Group.

> NEW MEMBERS: Must pay an annual fee of $7.77 to join this specific group. (You will be emailed exactly one-year to the date which you joined to update whether or not you'd like to continue being a part of the group)

Group Rules

Align Yo CHI

Everyone has a different point of view so feel free to listen & learn with intention. Please be kind and courteous at all times. Always ask questions! NO QUESTION OR ANSWER IS A BAD ONE.

New Members

Members MUST be approved in order to be a part of the group. This group is for people that were attendees during Chakra-N-Chi, but if you know someone interested in joining, please recommend them


  • Private

    Only event guests can view this group.

  • Visible

    Shown to site visitors.

  • January 4, 2022


  • thisisintentional

© 2024 by This Is Intentional.

Whom Jah Bless, No Man Curse

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